If the dystonia gene(s) have been identified then surely a DNA swab would enable us to spot a predisposition towards dystonia....
And if so then IF a 'DNA Diet' existed then we could a) stop dystonia before it starts and/or b) slow down its progression?
Please read the following extract.
The European Nutrigenomics Organisation - NuGO
Food is a complex mixture of thousands of different compounds. The human body is powered by around 40,000 genes. Nutritional genomics is the study of how food and genes interact.The main nutrients in food are carbohydrate, fat, protein and essential components such as vitamins and minerals. However, there are also many other compounds in food that have biological effects within our bodies. We cope by having complex biochemical processes for extracting energy and other useful components. These processes enable us to grow and live and keep our bodies and minds functioning effectively.
It is important to maintain a fine balance - in which the right amount of each food component is absorbed, stored in the right place and used at the right time. The key to understanding all this is observing how our bodies respond to what we eat and try to make the most of it. We are learning that this is achieved by a dynamic process of switching on and of, or fine tuning up and down, genes and the corresponding biochemical pathways.
Studies of diet-gene interactions have been underway for a number of years now and have produced many interesting results. However, until now researchers have generally been limited to investigating one or at most a handful of genes, maybe one or two biochemical pathways at any one time and single or simple groups of nutrients rather than whole foods. The human genome project has provided the background information and new tools that enable researchers to take a much more global perspective.
There are, however, huge challenges to be faced. Many of the technologies are relatively new and still developing or being refined. For practical, theoretical and not least logistical reasons researchers are having to rethink their standard approaches. Coping with, and interpreting, the vast quantity of data generated is another other major issue. Although specialised computer tools are available more development is needed.
To address these and other issues, we have been working with leading centres in nutritional genomics from across Europe and have put together a proposal for a new project - NuGO. Lead by Dr Ben van Ommen of Dutch Centre for Human Nutrigenomics, NuGO has been awarded 17.3 million Euros over a period of 6 years and started at the beginning of this month. The project currently has 22 partners from 10 EU member states.
The aim is to spread excellence in the field of nutritional genomics and to drive forward this area of research. For the first time, NuGO will enable nutrition research to fully complement the biomedical and pharmacological research communities that are currently using genomics for the development of curative therapy. The long term goal being is provide everyone with scientifically sound information on what they should eat so as to maintain or improve their health and prevent diseases associated with ageing such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.
For further information please contact:
Dr Siân Astley
Institute of Food Research
email: sian.astley@bbsrc.ac.uk
It's really hard for people to who have genetic disorders. Diet and proper nutrition can definitely treat or maybe just slow down their progression.